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Dr. Loomis

Meet the experienced doctor that makes Kiowa Eye Care Center the leading provider of vision care in Fort Morgan.

Dr. LoomisZoey K. Loomis, O.D.

Dr. Loomis is a Colorado native and grew up in Loveland. She completed her undergraduate work at CSU, studying Biological Sciences. Dr. Loomis received her doctorate of optometry with honors from Pacific University in 1996. Upon graduation, she received an award for outstanding fitting of contact lenses.

Dr. Loomis has experience in several types of practice settings from private practice to a large HMO. She enjoys working with a wide variety of patients and is able to handle eye emergencies and treat medical conditions of the eye. She specializes in comprehensive eye care, contact lens services, surgical co-management and children’s vision.

Dr. Loomis is active in volunteering for many groups in the Colorado Optometric Association (COA), a group of over 500 Colorado optometrists. She has served as Trustee, President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President.  In 2014 she received the “Key Person of the Year” award, and in 2017 she was honored as Colorado’s “Optometrist of the Year”.   In November, 2021 she will complete her second four-year term as a school board member of the Weldon Valley School District. In her spare time, Dr. Loomis enjoys quilting, skiing, & camping. She is married to a Morgan County native, Jon Jones and they have two kids.

Dr. Brooke PennPhoto of Dr. Penn

Dr. Penn was born and raised in a suburb of Kansas City known as Overland Park, Kansas. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Kansas and then went on to receive her doctorate degree from Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee.

At SCO, Dr. Penn gained experience in contact lenses, vision therapy, ocular disease, post-surgical management, low vision, and primary care. She was inducted into a prestigious honor society known as Beta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honors Society. She actively participated in various clubs such as Optometric Private Practice Club and College of Vision Development Club. She spent her final year of optometry school at clinical externships in Commerce City, CO and Bethel, AK. On her externships, she became comfortable working with patients of all ages but found that she particularly loved working in pediatrics. She even had the opportunity to perform comprehensive exams on children in a remote Alaskan village.

In 2024, Dr. Penn moved out to Colorado after completing her clinical training. She is passionate about the management of ocular disease, treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome, and providing quality eye care.

In her free time, Dr. Penn enjoys taking advantage of all the outdoor activities that Colorado has to offer. On the weekends, you can most likely find her hiking somewhere in Rocky Mountain National Park.
